Thursday, August 14, 2008

Weight Watchers


I started on July 31st and an all-time high (which means I had gained almost 60 pounds in the past two years, but let's not think about that!) Here I am two weeks in and things are going well.

As of today I am down 13.2 pounds. Yeah, I am well on my way. I still have a ton of weight to lose, but I am feeling good about Weight Watchers, and myself, too. I believe this is a plan I can stick with. I believe I will be successful! I believe I can follow this for the long haul.

Yeah, me!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Rain, rain, go away...

It's raining here, again! Tonight is supposed to be Beverly's Homecoming fireworks... ugh... how frustrating. Devon and I are crawling the walls waiting for it to be time to go to Lynch Park, and now it seems we will not be going after all. It has been a long day.

In other news, Devon bought himself an MP3 player at Toys R Us this afternoon... it is just a cheapy, but perfect for an 8-year-old boy. He is proud of himself, and of course has loaded Soulja Boy and a few of his other favorite songs onto it already.

I have not done well with being "On Program" (Weight Watchers, I mean) today... ah well, tomorrow's another day.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


I was off work this past week, and planned all types of activities for Devon and I to do.... Well, that didn't really pan out, primarily due to the fact that it rained just about every day. We have had more thunderstorms this week that I ever remember. We still had a great week together, though. I completely LOVE my job, of course, but it is so nice to have a whole week with only ONE small person to be responsible for.

We did finally get out on Uncle Ryan's boat - which was a lot of fun. We made it back to shore just as the Thunderstorm du Jour started.