Thursday, August 14, 2008

Weight Watchers


I started on July 31st and an all-time high (which means I had gained almost 60 pounds in the past two years, but let's not think about that!) Here I am two weeks in and things are going well.

As of today I am down 13.2 pounds. Yeah, I am well on my way. I still have a ton of weight to lose, but I am feeling good about Weight Watchers, and myself, too. I believe this is a plan I can stick with. I believe I will be successful! I believe I can follow this for the long haul.

Yeah, me!


InWeighOverMyHead said...

Wow! That is a great number for two weeks! You rock!

InWeighOverMyHead said...

I added you to my site. Hope you don't mind...

Lauren said...

Thank you! I am up 1.2 this week, but I know it will be going back in the right direction next Thursday. My initial goal for Labor Day was 15, so I have to lose 3 by then... Hmm... we shall see!

InWeighOverMyHead said...

How are you dong now?